Ronald Wayne

Ronald Wayne is a lesser-known but significant figure in the early history of Apple Inc. He co-founded Apple alongside Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, but his involvement with the company was short-lived.

Interests and Hobbies

Wayne is an avid engineer and has a passion for designing and building various mechanical devices. In addition to his engineering interests, he has a keen interest in history and writing, having published a memoir detailing his experiences.

Work and Routine

Wayne initially contributed to Apple by providing administrative oversight and drawing the first Apple logo. He drafted the company’s original partnership agreement. Despite his short tenure at Apple, his organizational contributions were vital in the company’s early days. Wayne sold his 10% stake in Apple just 12 days after the company was formed for $800, a decision he later described as prudent given his risk-averse nature.

Personal Life

Ronald Wayne is known for his cautious and practical approach to business. He lives a relatively private life, enjoying his retirement with personal projects and writing. He often reflects on his time at Apple without regret, emphasizing the security and stability he sought in life.


Although Ronald Wayne’s time at Apple was brief, his role as a co-founder marks a significant point in the history of one of the world’s most influential technology companies. His story is often highlighted as a tale of missed financial opportunity but also as an example of personal contentment and wise decision-making according to one’s values and circumstances.

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