Computing Sciences

Our laboratory is at the forefront of tackling some of the most pressing global challenges. We are innovators in developing technology solutions with a transformative impact on society.

Our research is charting new paths in how humans interact with machines and each other through digital interfaces. We are at the forefront of advancing the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and practical computing applications.

We offer our diverse clientele, including commercial entities, government bodies, corporations and startups, a wealth of expertise in AI, bioinformatics, cybersecurity, privacy and the design of reliable systems. Our efforts in machine learning are expansive, covering neurosymbolic methods and AI applications at the edge. The increasing reliance on AI models, autonomous systems, and digital integration makes our research critically urgent and significant.

We are dedicated to enhancing the transparency of the Internet and social media, addressing the global challenge of fake information detection. Our work in machine vision is groundbreaking, setting the stage for the next advancements in virtual and augmented reality. Beyond interaction, we’re delving into fundamental research in speech technology, focusing on speaker identity, engagement levels and the complexities of spoken communication.

Our contributions extend beyond academic publications, actively transform society by translating our discoveries into tangible, real world applications.
Artificial Intelligence Research

Our focus spans a diverse set of pioneering areas. We delve into Human Language Technologies, unraveling the complexities of natural language processing to foster more intuitive human computer interactions. Our work in Machine Learning pushes the envelope in developing algorithms that learn from and make predictions on data, enhancing the capability of AI systems. Explainable AI is at the core of our mission, aiming to make AI decisions transparent and understandable to humans. In Planning, Scheduling and Autonomy, we innovate to create systems that can autonomously make decisions and plan their actions. Bioinformatics bridges AI with biology, employing powerful computational techniques to solve complex biological problems.

Speech Technology Research

Our Speech Technology Research is breaking new ground in understanding and generating human speech. Through Speech and Audio Analytics, we’re extracting valuable insights from audio data. Conversational Intelligence focuses on developing systems that can engage in human like dialogue, enhancing user interaction. Our advances in Speech Recognition and Machine Translation are making it possible to transcend language barriers, while our Text-to-Speech technology is enabling machines to communicate with humans more naturally.

Generative Graphics Innovation

Under Generative Graphics Innovation, we explore the frontiers of creating and understanding visual content through AI. Computational Sensing and Low Power Processing allow for smarter sensing devices with minimal energy use. Our work in 2D-3D Reasoning and Augmented Reality enhances the interface between digital and physical worlds. Collaborative Human Robot Autonomy is focused on developing systems where robots and humans can work together seamlessly. Human Behavior Modeling aims to predict and understand human actions through technology. Multimodal Data Analytics and Machine Learning leverage diverse data types to improve decision-making processes. AI at the Edge brings intelligent computing to edge devices, enabling faster and more efficient processing.

Cybersecurity Research

Our focus in Cybersecurity Research encompasses analyzing and fortifying digital infrastructure against sophisticated cyber threats, including those targeting government and defense sectors. Investigations prioritize system vulnerabilities, cryptographic enhancement and the formulation of strategic cyberdefensive methodologies. Efforts are directed towards bolstering the resilience of critical information systems through rigorous scientific inquiry and technical innovation.

Computer Sciences Research

In Computer Sciences Research, we address the foundational and practical aspects of computing and its security. Cloud and Cyber Physical System Security are paramount to protecting digital infrastructure and physical devices connected to the internet. High Assurance Systems ensure the reliability and safety of critical software systems. Infrastructure Resilience focuses on making digital services more robust against failures and attacks. Computational Biology applies computing techniques to biological inquiries, advancing our understanding of life. Collaborative Interfaces for Human Machine Teams enhance the synergy between humans and AI, promoting more effective collaboration.

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